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Natural fibre fillings
Delyth Fetherston-Dilke




I started out life as a film lawyer, working for many years for Warner Bros. through the growth of pay television and the emergence of Harry Potter.


I retrained as an upholsterer at London Met University and a few years later took a diploma in furniture design. I started to research the use of natural fibres in upholstery filling solutions and the chemical treatment of petro-chemical fillings such as foam. This lead to ongoing relationships with fire safety and environmental scientists and the co-authoring of a scientific paper "reconciling fire safety with the environmental and health impacts of flame retardants". 


I was not the only upholsterer concerned by our occupational exposure to toxins, in 2022 I authored an open letter to the Government and in 2023 almost 6000 upholsterers co-signed a response to the Government consultation on furniture fire safety regulations.


I am passionate that furniture can be designed to be both fire safe and safe from toxins and i sit on the Government British Standards committee tasked with drafting the furniture fire safety standard. 


I regularly speak at conferences advocating a move towards circular design in the soft furniture market, where i do not believe that we can continue putting petrochemicals into furniture, petrochemicals so toxic that they cannot be recycled.


I also rather love creating beautiful furniture that brings joy into my client's homes





Board Member of the Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers

Committee member of FW6, British Standards Committee on furniture fire safety

Interior Design Declares



Speaking Engagements:

KLC School of Interior Design - sustainable furniture

Decorex 2024 - Sustainable furniture

Future Fabrics 2024

Future Build 2024

Decorex 2023 




House and Garden 2024 - is our furniture poisoning us?

Clean - an unexpected clean air culprit in your home

Reconciling fire safety with the environmental and health impacts of flame retardants

Response to Government Consultation on the new approach to the fire safety of domestic furniture 2023

Open letter 2022 - open letter on FR chemicals in furniture

i-news 2023​​​​​​​​ - the toxic chemicals lurking in your mattress that could be making you ill.

Briefing Paper sent to Members of Parliament








Member of the Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers

Founded in 2014 to work on natural fibre solutions to upholstery

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